Saturday, April 14, 2007

cindy lauper

remember the true colors tour?

bunny rabbit

take a look at bunny's space

outlive homophobia

10 easy steps to outlive homophobia

1. find a queer-positive healthcare professional and see them regularly 2. exercise once a week: take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk, bike, join a yoga class, sign up for a recreation league of a sport you like, take a dance class. whatever tickles your fancy 3. eat one more salad each week 4. have one less alcohol beverage than you normally would have when you drink 5. once a day, pause, and take three slow breaths that last for ten seconds each 6. eat out at a restaurant one less time per week than you do now 7. go to bed early one night per week 8. watch one less hour of tv a week 9. use the Internet ten minutes less today 10. eat or drink one less sugar drink or treat this week.

found at

Sunday, April 08, 2007